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candicekyeung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

某天,上司轉發了一封來 SEMINAR CM 的電郵,轉發的內容是「Please join if you have time」,如此一來,我上星期上了一課「Problem Solving Skills」。

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托 GOOGLE+ 的福,我回歸 BLOGGER 啦!!!!

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竟然五個月無 UPDATE!

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那天跟 Juliana MSN,談到剛買了新一期的 JJ,她說她還在看 Popteen!!!! 我才驚覺我「換到」 JJ 也有一段時間了。

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好像這是第一次給人在 BLOGGING TAG 了~ 以前的 CHAIN LETTER / EMAIL 我也很少 FORWARD (當然,如果你曾經收過,那就是我用心看過後很想讓你知道的資訊或心意),這一次,在 FACEBOOK 回應了,因為這本來就是很想寫,卻一直拖着的事情。

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  • Jan 08 Thu 2009 13:31
I just set my 'entertainment' (a.k.a. recreational) target in 2009 yesterday and I found a very interesting exhibition today! ^_^

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I've been reading books bought/brought back from Taiwan since I arrived home.

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As mentioned previously, I would like to re-arrange all my blogs and combine them together. But then I found it extremely difficult and time consuming to migrate hundreds posts written over the past six years!!!

candicekyeung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I'm so angry! I 'flied' back home today right after work and turned on the TV straight a way, watch and watch and watch and NO Kitajima "news" or replay!!!!!!!

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因為 active x control 的 setting,我白打了百多字!

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wanna change the background long before Winter comes!!!

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I've transferred almost half of my blogs here la!! ^_^

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How many times I've written this title? Anyway, I'm back; though may soon leave again :P

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(moved from elsewhere)
My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. <-- borrowed from Mel Gibson... Wordless... but I definitely will miss him.* * *After checking my hotmail, at an earlier time than usual, this news caught my eye on the MSN page. It was like: No kidding... Joke again?Lucikly today, with all the 'rooms' remain unlit (meaning ppl inside should be out), we are more relaxed. I clicked into the link and started reading the news.Oh My God! It seems not kidding! How Come?! I just shopped around HMV last night and struggled if I should buy a DVD of 'The Brothers Grimm' for... didn't know why just for having it at home. And I still can't find the 'Candy' locally... * * *I just noticed that... I watched quite a lot of his movies... The % is quite close to that of Leonardo... I must be loving his acting....

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(moved from elsewhere)
Oh... my Goodness! Catastrophic... total failure~I've just finished a Risk Assessment on a Bridge to be built in China... umum... I should pay more attention to these... accidents?!

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(moved from elsewhere)

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(moved from elsewhere)
oooooh.... I just wanna go there this vacation if I hadn't been to Taiwan in May!!! Thinking that Yemen may be safer than other middle east countries but seem not to be true...And... I should thank god that I finally didn't go there....

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(moved from elsewhere)

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(moved from elsewhere)
I'm sick again... Long time haven't cried so "seriously" in the Clinic... :P it's really painful... doctor!

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