目前分類:簡提絲翻譯之路 (6)

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<-- I finally got my paper back and it was marked 'A-'!!! I got my Abstract as 'A' and how come my final grade was that!!!! I got my C-E translation back too! It was also marked an 'A-' and my hw were quite good (>80% marks)... how come the final grade wasn't that!!!

candicekyeung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

(moved from elsewhere)
Stupid me... i only discovered that our result had already been out from my friend's Xanga.. :P

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last nite we had a presentation on "Mozart's Letters"...

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had an interesting lecture last nite talking about verb phrases but this is not the interesting part as wht our prof said linguistics boring… yes he did say it but not in class.. :P he said it when he drove me to the station

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My 1st Master's 1st Academic Report is out!

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